Solomon Method Records
Stuff We Distribute

We'll soon be carrying a good range of quality hardcore/punk vinyl and compact discs from around the world, so please contact us if you'd like to trade. Titles below marked with an asterisk also available for bulk trade.


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7"s are $4 US, $5 Canada, $6 world. LPs $10/$15/$14. CDs $5/$8/$8. Canadians pay in Canadian, all others $US)


AS ONE "No less an authority" CD (Pre-SCARE TACTIC, more new school/NYHC style, four tracks including WARZONE cover)

2 LINE FILLER/FADEAWAY split 7" (Pickering melodic hardcore meets hard Buffalo mosh on this classic split-- 4 tracks)

MARILYN'S VITAMINS "Meanwhile during the class war" 7" (great tuneful, political punk like DILLINGER FOUR or OPERATION IVY without the ska)

COUNTDOWN TO OBLIVION/THEY LIVE split 7" (fierce thrash attack from two angry hardcore outfits-- awesome)

STATICS "Original 1980 punk rock recordings" 7" (like the title says, original Canadian KBD punk like TEENAGE HEAD or early FORGOTTEN REBELS)

PAINTBOX "Singing shouting crying" LP (excellent Japanese hardcore, this is the vinyl pressing of the debut CD. Features ex-DEATH SIDE guitarist. Limited and nearly sold out!)

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